Thursday, February 09, 2006

Islam is Peace

In the Name of Allah

In the Name of Allah
How to become a Muslim?
If you believe that “there is no god except Allah” and “Muhammad is the last Messenger of God” you are a Muslim; and no one has permission to evaluate and examine the correctness of your belief and deeds.
You are free in your faith, but if you want to elevate your grade of faith you should do several good things and do not several bad ones, only for the sake of God, not to pretend and to show to other people.
Be successful
To ask any question contact:
some useful Links:
Islam - shia - quran - prayers
English radio
Sadeghi, M.H.
will be continued...
(If God pleases )

بزرگترین عملیات شهادت طلبانه تاریخ جهان، فردا تهران

  فردا، جمعه ١٣ مهرماه ١۴٠٣ در مصلای تهران بزرگترین عملیات شهادت‌طلبانه تاریخ برگزار خواهد شد. میلیون‌ها ایرانی، جمعیتی بیشتر از کل جمعیت رژ...