Monday, July 03, 2023

An Elegy for Flight 655 - Iranain Airplane

In The Name of Allah 

An Elegy for Flight 655 


My little brave canoe of love 

is carrying my furious volcano of revenge 

In a familiar stormy sea 

and an unknown dark night. 

The canoe is mourning and searching the Blood Vortex 

In an endless beginning tide 

and a crowded loneliness, 

and the volcano is going to awake 

The Damavand[1]  and Fuji Yuma’s[2] spirits at once together 

to elegize and eternalize the saddest narration of love and life's 


in memories of Hiroshima and Nagazaki[3] 

and Iranian Flight[4] number 655  



To find the depth of the massacre 

let's light our candles of hearts in the chest of history 

by Putting ourselves instead of those innocent peace messengers.

Let's imagine the bloody moments 

And rebuild and review the massacre: 

It was lunch time of Sunday July 3, 1988 

The waitresses were serving the packed foods 

And the mothers were feeding their dear ones 

and speaking to each other happily. 

The Iron bird was calmly flying at sky 

On the usual path of civilian flights, 

The space of j ourney was full of sweet fragrance of affections.

And everything was OK 

Suddenly, the whole thing was ended 

by missile of the damned Vincennes 

And 290 torn bodies were dancing 

From the sky to the sea 

And the Persian Gulf became their purplish grave. 

They had no time to understand what happened 

Even, the parents couldn't hug their children, 

Accordingly, "the Axis of Evils" said: 

"I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy." 

And foolishly regarded the massacre as closed, 

But every free thinker regards it as an open issue forever 

As the unforgettable memories of Hiroshima and nagazaki. 

Surely, we have power and right to avenge 

But we never pay back evil by evil 

We give peace flowers to US nation and all human beings, 

This is our heavenly revenge. 


[2] -The highest mountain peak and volcano in Japan. 

[3]  -The nuclear attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 

August 1945during the final stage of World War II, by USA, which killed at least 

129,000 people.


[4] - Iran Air Flight 655 from Tehran to Dubai was shot down by USS Vincennes 

On 3 July 1988 which led to the loss of life of 290 innocent people from six 

nations including 66 children. There were 38 non-Iranians aboard. Certainly, the 

downing of flight 655 has been the deadliest tragedy in aviation history, but 

comparing to Hiroshima and nagazaki nuclear bombardment; it is the smallest 

crime of USA cruel rulers against humanity and existence.

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