Sunday, March 05, 2006

Zarghan , Zarqan & zargan

In The Name of Allah
The Gold Mine

Our city, Zarghan,is the very gold mine, as the past
Zarghan is a town in Fars province of the glorious IRAN.
My city is located between two famous cities of shiraz and persepolise.
Zarghan is a combinaton of two words :''zar '' and ''ghan''
Zar in Farsi means gold ;
and ''ghan'' is the Arabic form of ''kaan'' means mine
so Zarghan means the mine of gold
but there isnt any gold mine in our city
the real gold of my city is its people.
some years ago i composed a farsi poem about my golden city ,
which begins with this line:
زرقان ما هنوز همان معدن زر است
and the title of this entry is a free English translation of this.
Two other equivalent names of Zarghan,
in written English and official documents,
are Zarqan and Zargan .
The above imege is also an air view of my city zarghan
which is taken by earth google.
Whatever my city is, I love it and its nice and kind people.

By : Persian hoopoe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ba arze salam va khaste nabashyd khedamate agaye SADEGHI
vagean dastetun dard nakone baraye kasanike ashege IRAN va ZABANAND shoma hame kar kardyd dar webloge khodetun
mer 30 man sadegh 22 sale az esfahan
IDIYE man too yahoo


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